GFWS-II 微机SF6微水测量仪
- 自动换算至20℃时标准值
- 零点自动校准
- 全程曲线跟踪修正
- 独特的大屏显示
- 独有的超大储存功能
- 首创曲线显示
- 首创的电量显示
- 先进的探头保护功能
- 操作简单、携带方便
- 抗污染、抗干扰
- 重复性好、响应速度快
- 灵敏度高、稳定性好
- 测量范围: -80℃ ~ +20℃
- 精 度: ±0.5℃
- 分 辨 率: 0.01℃或0.1PPM
- 响应时间: 露点达到 -35℃ ~ -60℃时 , ≤ 5min
- 单 位: 露点℃、PPMV、温度、压力、流量同屏显示
- 工作电源: 交直流两用,锂电池可连续工作8小时,过充保护
- 温 度: -20℃~+60℃
- 压 力: ≤1.5 Mpa
- 输出接口:RS232或4~20mA电流(露点输出)
- 体积重量:体积 360×260×130mm 重量 3.5kg
- 进气接口:进口快插
- 进气管道:加长Ф4四氟管
GDWS-II Portable SF6 Humidity Tester
DescriptionGDWS-II Humiditor is designed to measure the humidity of non-corrosive gas, such as Air, N2,sf6 etc. It is also can be used to express analyzing, automatic monitoring and exact measuring the water content in the gas at the ministry of water conservancy and electric power, the manufacturing engineering of electronic device, and the metallurgy of iron and steel, the petrochemical industry, the railway transportation and the mining industry.
Features- Portable
- Large Measuring Range
- High Accuracy
- LCD direct Display
- Built-in Chargeable Battery
- Easy to Operate
- Auto Drying System to Reduce measuring time and the test gas consumption, and improve working efficiency.
- Measuring Range: -80~+20oC
- Accuracy: ±2oC @ -80~-60oC, ±1oC @ -59~+20oC
- Measuring Time: <4 Min/Point
- Measuring Flow: >1000 ml/Min
- Pressure: ≤1.0Mpa
- Power Supply: AC220V or Built-in Chargeable Li+ Battery
- Dimension: 250×250×100mm
- Weight: 2.5kg